
What are the Most Common Types of FBA Reimbursements?

Jul 9, 2024

5 min

Jul 9, 2024

5 min

Jul 9, 2024

5 min

  • Understand FBA reimbursements to get compensated for lost, damaged, or incorrectly charged items.

  • Common scenarios include missing inventory, customer returns, incorrect fees, and damaged products.

  • Regularly review your transactions and reports to catch discrepancies.

  • Bonus tip: Partner with a service like Refunzo to help you navigate the FBA reimbursement process.

Amazon's Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program streamlines the process of storing, packing, and shipping products for many businesses, making it easier for sellers to manage their online sales. Although the system is designed to work flawlessly, errors and anomalies may occur, which could result in losses for sellers. Fortunately, Amazon has policies in place to reimburse sellers for specific issues that could arise during packing and delivery. To ensure they are fairly compensated for any mishap that affects their inventory and profits, sellers must be aware of these several reimbursement options.

Because FBA reimbursements reduce the risk of inventory damage, loss, and management errors, they are an essential part of maintaining an FBA account. Understanding the most typical FBA reimbursement types not only helps sellers maintain their operations but also draws attention to the operational shortcomings in the Amazon fulfillment process. Sellers can better manage the intricacies of FBA operations and make sure they are compensated when mistakes are made.

The most common types of FBA reimbursements

From damaged goods to inventory discrepancies, there are several instances where Amazon may owe sellers FBA reimbursement. Understanding these scenarios can help sellers effectively manage their operations and secure due compensation. Here’s a breakdown of the most common types of FBA reimbursements:

  • Transaction reconciliation

    Sellers on Amazon should consistently review and reconcile their transactions to ensure that all records are accurate. This includes verifying the number of items sold, returned, reimbursed, and removed from inventory. Promptly addressing any discrepancies is crucial to maintaining correct financial records and ensuring that all transactions reflect true activity.

  • Destroyed items

    There are times when inventory might be destroyed inadvertently by Amazon. This could occur due to warehouse mishaps or during the disposal process of old inventory that is accidentally applied to the wrong items. Sellers must monitor their inventory closely and seek reimbursements for any items destroyed in error.

  • Restocking fees

    Amazon typically offers a 20% restocking fee as a credit for returns that are slightly past the 30-day return window. It is the responsibility of the seller to ensure that these credits are processed correctly. If not, sellers must file an Amazon reimbursement claim to recover these fees.

  • Customer refund overages

    In instances where a customer receives a refund that exceeds the paid amount, sellers need to check the accuracy of the refund. Should there be an overage, it is imperative to file a claim to retrieve the excess amount deducted from the seller's FBA account.

  • Missing order credits

    If a refund is processed to a customer but the corresponding credit is not reflected in the seller’s account, and it has been over 45 days, a claim should be filed. This ensures that sellers are not financially penalized for system errors.

  • Commission fees

    Occasionally, a product may be charged a higher commission fee than applicable, such as being inaccurately classified under a more expensive fee category. Sellers should review their fee statements and file claims to recover any incorrect charges.

  • Warehouse losses

    Amazon is responsible for items lost or damaged within its warehouse. Sellers should file claims for any such issues if they are not automatically resolved by Amazon, ensuring they are compensated for these losses.

  • Customer replacements

    When Amazon issues a replacement to a customer before receiving the returned item, and if the original is not returned within 45 days, sellers should ensure they are not financially responsible for the unreturned item.

  • Missing reimbursements

    Regularly checking reimbursement reports is essential for sellers to confirm that all reimbursements claimed are processed and received. Any discrepancies should be immediately addressed. Ensuring that the reimbursement amount issued by Amazon matches the total due is crucial. Sellers should contest any inaccuracies to secure a full reimbursement.

  • Inventory adjustments

    If Amazon reports that returned items have been restocked but the seller notices inconsistencies or errors in inventory, it's important to investigate and possibly claim reimbursement for any discrepancies.

  • Shipment stock counts

    After shipments are completed, inventory counts may be incorrectly subtracted, potentially leading to significant financial losses. Sellers need to stay vigilant and address these issues as they arise.

  • Returned inventory errors

    Mistakes can happen when the wrong item is returned and added back into inventory. This error can lead to the loss of the actual product, and sellers should file a claim to rectify such errors.

  • Chargebacks

    Sellers must monitor their accounts for chargebacks that are not refunded. Addressing these discrepancies promptly ensures that sellers do not unjustly bear the cost of these transactions.

  • Damaged returns

    If a returned item is damaged by Amazon or during transit by a courier, sellers are entitled to the value of the product. Filing an insurance claim will help recover the cost of these damaged returns.

  • Missing removal orders

    If sellers place a removal order to clear inventory from Amazon’s storage and the items are not received, they can claim a significant portion of the associated costs.

  • Inaccurate order refunds

    If a refund issued by Amazon falls short of covering the full amount of the initial purchase, persistent follow-up is necessary until the correct amount is reimbursed.

  • FBA fee errors

    Sometimes, sellers might be incorrectly charged for FBA fees due to system errors or misclassification of products in terms of size or weight. Sellers need to review their Amazon FBA seller fees regularly to ensure they align with Amazon's fee structure. If discrepancies are found, sellers should file a reimbursement claim to rectify overcharges.

  • Inbound shipment discrepancies

    When sending inventory to Amazon’s fulfillment centers, discrepancies can occur, such as the number of items received is different from the number sent. Sellers must carefully track their shipments and compare what was sent versus what was received and recorded by Amazon. If there are inconsistencies, sellers need to report these to Amazon to recover any losses from missing inventory.

  • Incorrect fees

    Sellers may be charged additional incorrect fees, such as those for weight handling or inventory storage, in addition to the specified FBA fees. These could be brought on by inaccurate product information or system flaws. Sellers should monitor their account statements and challenge any fees that do not seem to match the services received or the actual characteristics of their products.

  • Amazon or carrier damaged

    Products may sustain damage during fulfillment or shipping as a result of handling procedures used by Amazon or carriers. If a product is damaged by carriers or by Amazon before it reaches its customer, sellers should file a claim if the packaging was insufficient. Claims can be filed for products that are lost or damaged during transit, as long as there is no trace of the missing item after 30 days. To prevent financial loss on products that cannot be sold because of their condition, reimbursements for these losses are essential.

  • Order quantity errors
    There can be instances where the number of items Amazon charges the customer for doesn’t match the number of items ordered or shipped. This might result from scanning errors or system miscounts at the fulfillment center. Sellers should audit their order reports regularly to ensure the quantities ordered match those billed and shipped. Any discrepancies should be reported to Amazon for correction and reimbursement.


In summary, careful management and close observation are needed to navigate the complexities of Amazon's Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service. Comprehending the distinct categories of FBA reimbursements is imperative for sellers seeking to safeguard their capital and guarantee fair compensation for any disparities or losses sustained throughout the fulfillment procedure. Sellers on the platform can improve their overall financial stability, maintain a more robust business operation, and immediately handle concerns by remaining aware of and attentive to these typical reimbursement circumstances. The capacity to efficiently handle these aspects of FBA will continue to be essential for online sellers to succeed and last as the Amazon environment changes.

Are you prepared to easily obtain your FBA reimbursements? Partner with Refunzo, your trusted Amazon reimbursement app today! Our team of experts specializes in handling the intricate FBA reimbursement procedure, making sure you are paid every cent you're due. Keep losses and inconsistencies from hurting your profit margin. Make the first move toward streamlining your Amazon business and increasing your earnings by getting in touch with Refunzo right away. Let us handle the details, so you can focus on growing your business.

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